Monday, May 27, 2013

make chores less of a chore.

  • Play "Go Fish" with a basket of clean socks. Divide the socks among the players, leaving a pile to draw from. Each player, in turn, holds up a sock and asks another player if he has the mate. If not, the asking player must take a sock from the top of the draw pile. When finished, the player with the most pairs wins.
  • Appoint someone to be Inspector D. Clutter. Armed with a laundry basket and plastic police badge from the dress-up box, this person roams the house and puts stray belongings into clutter "jail" (the basket). To set an item free, its owner (Mom and Dad included!) must do a chore.

Instill Positive Reinforcement: The worst thing you can do is constantly criticize your children when they complete their chores. If you simply tell them they are doing the chore wrong, they won't have any desire to complete their chores in the future. Instead, always notice the parts of the chore they did well, and complement them on the task. If they ask, give them a few helpful pointers, to make it even better next time.

So good just need to post the link:

Do the laundry while pretending to be robots or characters from a favorite movie, or have a room-to-room singing contest where each child takes turns singing one song (loudly!) from the room he is cleaning up

Dancing with your mop

A game:

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Teaching Technology ideas

I have been searching everywhere for  guidelines on teaching technology. The ones I did find I am thinking WOW my child knew those before she even got into school. They held up a triangle and my daughter is yelling that is the play button. The equal sign that was definitely the pause the sign. Since it seems like Technology is something that is only incorporated I decided to make a list of things to teach if was not and it was suppose to be an actual elementary class. I am not a techie but I am addicted to the internet and think its important for my daughter to know a bit more than just the basics.

Inventions and how they work or made. You can cover tons with this as long as you keep it to how it was made/parts and what it was used for and the improvement or benefit in society.
Tools are ancient Technology.
Levers- catapults, torque tools,
Wheels, gears, and joints ( everything round)

ok I was going to try to go in order but lets just bolt it out and fix it later

Movie making
Robotic Introduction
Robot activities
photoshop and wallpaper
Website building ( dreamweaver)
How a computer works
Computer dissection
How to use a mouse: this includes right and left click hold and middle button plus how to go into the computer and switch the function for left handers.
Word processing and Fonts
Google documents

Ack Just everything that comes with an download.

Online safety and Etiquette: CAPS MEANS ANGRY. Bully prevention and Reporting.The Internet Crime Complaint Center
Please take internet safety seriously. One of my children were cyberstalked and it ruined her psychologically. She and other children like her said YES they knew better but did it because they thought they would not get caught. These were good Christian kids whose parents found them trustworthy.

Online Permanence- If its posted it is considered public ware and can not be removed if someone else takes it without lots of work and there is no surety of its removal.
Tech Addiction- Signs and Symptoms
World Wide Web and Search Engines
screen printing- This is a safety tool and a time saver teach this or how to print in PDF and save to computer for documentation purposes.
How to print and clean wizards
Text and Messaging  Acronyms
The internals and usage of headphones and microphones.
Steam power- trains and engines
Combustion engines
computer history and advancement
Radios- FM, AM, HAM, CB's, Walkie Talkies
Solar power

Creativity and Innovation
Communication and collaboration
Research and information fluency
Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making
Digital citizenship
Technology operation and concepts

For kindergarten and 1st grade I guess they want the kids to be able to identify parts of the computer and working knowledge of it. Monitor, tower, mouse, speakers, printer,

Great list of ideas from a tech teacher: This website has so much cool  Techie stuff I doubt you will need to go anywhere else she is probably linked to already.

here is the biggest tip for us moms who do not have the money to fork out the bucks for this info. Find a lesson plan that looks good. Write down its table of contents or the words it says it teaches and google them. Now you are obviously going to be doing a lot of work so do not do this if its going to stress you out, You need to figure out if you need the pre-existing set up for you or not.
 Here is what I learned about older kids you teach a kid to google or post questions and The computer skills they need to obtain they will find the instruction they need. You may need to assist to keep them from getting distracted though.

many just re-use the programs for educational or creativity purposes for their classes and it counts as a session. So every holiday make a card. have your kids post their work on the net. Link up with info they liked etc and they have done a lesson.
Oh yah and 18 lessons done every other week counts as a class and you will be doing it more or a little less than an educational facility that has to sign up for computer lab slot and wait for children to settle. Especially if you do any other online activities. Its considered Technology so do not forget to record your time. DVD, CD, E-Readers, and other devices your child learns to use are considered Technology classes.

Thats all for now will probably pop in later if I find any good stuff. :D

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Learning styles Research

Here is a Barbe modality checklist it is the one I used:
Just to be sure I will add a couple of more:

Now that should be good on getting to know what kind of learner your child is lets see if we can find if someone did the work for us on what programs best fit best the learning styles. I have been given some sheets and will re-type them if I do not find it already published on the web somewhere.

Learning Techniques for Visual Learners
  • Draw a map of events in history or draw scientific process. 
  • Make outlines of everything! 
  • Copy what’s on the board. 
  • Ask the teacher to diagram. 
  • Diagram sentences! 
  • Take notes, make lists. 
  • Watch videos. 
  • Color code words, research notes.
  • Outline reading.
  • Use flashcards.
  • Use highlighters, circle words, underline.
Best Test Type for Visual Learners:
Diagramming, reading maps, essays (if you use an outline), showing a process

LA- Harcourt Achieve/Steck vaughn, Sing, Spell, read & write, Lingui Systems "No Glamour Literature"( graphic organizers), Prentice Hall( interactive textbooks), Institute for Excellence in Writing ( IEW), Gold Language Arts (high school)
Math- Saxon, Teaching textbooks, Everyday Math, Singapore, Aleks ( online learning and tracking graphs), Gold Pre-Algebra and Algebra ( highschool)
Thematic Learning Expierence- Trail Guides to learning ( Geography Matters), Sonlight ( literature- based), Beautiful Feet ( lit based), Winter Promise ( lit based)
Other- Calvert ( boxed curr), Laurel Springs ( box curr), Mapping the World by Heart, Time 4 Kids, Time 4 Learning

Auditory learners are those who learn best through hearing things. Look over these traits to see if they sound familiar to you. You may be an auditory learner if you are someone who:
  • Likes to read to self out loud.
  • Is not afraid to speak in class.
  • Likes oral reports
  • Is good at explaining.
  • Remembers names.
  • Notices sound effects in movies.
  • Enjoys music.
  • Is good at grammar and foreign language.
  • Reads slowly.
  • Follows spoken directions well.
  • Can't keep quiet for long periods.
  • Enjoys acting, being on stage.
  • Is good in study groups
  • Using word association to remember facts and lines.
  • Recording lectures.
  • Watching videos.
  • Repeating facts with eyes closed.
  • Participating in group discussions.
  • Using audiotapes for language practice.
  • Taping notes after writing them.
Best test type:
Auditory Learners are good at writing responses to lectures they've heard. They're also good at oral exams.

LA- Sing, Spell, Read and write, Astronuats to zipper, Letterland ( online and CD), Phonetic Zoo by IEW, Great Hall Publishers, IEW ( student writing intensives), Gold Language Arts ( highschool) Use of 6- Traits of writing
Math- Math U see, Teaching Textbooks, I can learn Math, Learning Upgrade, Saxon ( dvds), Professor B, GOLD Pre-Algebra and Algebra, Video- Text, ChalkDust
Other- Story of the world ( CD), Lyrical life Science, The Teaching Company, AGS, Time 4 Kids, Time 4 learning

Kinesthetic learners are those who learn through experiencing/doing things. Look over these traits to see if they sound familiar to you. You may be a kinesthetic learner if you are someone who:
  • Is good at sports.
  • Can't sit still for long.
  • Is not great at spelling.
  • Does not have great handwriting.
  • Likes science lab.
  • Studies with loud music on.
  • Likes adventure books, movies.
  • Likes role playing.
  • Takes breaks when studying.
  • Builds models.
  • Is involved in martial arts, dance.
  • Is fidgety during lectures.
Kinesthetic Learners Can Benefit from:
  • Studying in short blocks.
  • Taking lab classes.
  • Role playing.
  • Taking field trips, visiting museums.
  • Studying with others.
  • Using memory games.
  • Using flash cards to memorize.<.li>
  • Best Test Type:
    Short definitions, fill-ins, multiple choice.
    Great Blog that got the research on how to teach the different styles if you want to make your own curriculum:

    LA- Rocket Phonics, Zoo phonics, Handwriting without Tears ( with wooden pieces), Literature based Thematic learning opportunites: Moving beyond the page, Trail Guide Series ( research-based/Geography Matters)
    Math- Math U see, Moving with Math, Miquon Math ( real world/Gr 1-3), Right start math, Touch math, Remedial: Math on the Level, Transmath, Supplemental: Hands on Equations, Math Treck ( nectar foundation)
    Other- Exploration Education ( physical science), Ring of Fire ( geology: Dvds and rock kits), Geology Rocks!( experiments) TOPS ( experiments), History Pockets ( gr1-6), Past Ports ( gr 4-8), Trisms ( gr 6-12/ research and self explore), Little professor science kits
     Many ot these written ones with no links was given to me in a packet I received from IDEA my homeschool sponsor.
    Please help me expand the list and help other parents with these needs by commenting below any other programs you have found and the learning style you think it covers. Thank you :D

Cant wait to start homeschooling.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

incentive notes and research
Achievement in a time limmit to recieve food awards like dessert
Incentive Jar ( like a wish box) scraps of paper with rewards
Incentive envelopes/coupons- This is to be mixed up coupons and money rewards, gift certificates at different amounts for all different things just like searching for easter eggs The surprise is whats inside.
pre-paid cellphone- did you earn your minutes or going without till you do your work.
Time limmit incentives such as games or new toys.

What should I NOT use as an incentive?

Physical affection (hugs and kisses) and parent-child activities (field trips, playing games, or reading) should not be withheld from a child or used as incentives. They are essential for your child's emotional growth and mental health. Nurturing your child also makes the child more receptive to parental rules and requests. Likewise, physical activities (playing catch, going on walks or to the park) should not be withheld from your child. Fitness and endurance are important for your child's physical health. However, you can offer "extra" parent-child activities as an incentive.

ƒ Financial Incentives. Experimental research suggests that monetary incentives promote program 
participation,26 especially for teens.27 For example, youth participants in the National Mentoring 
Partnership, Inc., ranked financial incentives among the top aspects of the program.28 Monetary 
incentives can include cash, gift certificates, school-store coupons, and stipends.29
ƒ Food. Offering food can be a motivating factor in drawing and retaining out-of-school time 
program participants of all ages.30 Some programs use food as a recruitment technique, inviting 
interested participants to a picnic or a pizza party at the start of the school year.31
ƒ Prizes. Prizes can serve as an effective motivator for youth of all age groups, but the age and 
interests of participants must be considered when deciding on the appropriate prize.32 Small toys, 
food, decorative pencils or pens, T-shirts, and tickets to high school athletic events can be 
effective incentives for younger children.33 Some programs also hand out passes for every day that 
the child attends. Those passes can later be exchanged for prizes that are linked to the child’s 
frequency of attendance.34 For older participants, programs can use tickets to sports events and 
raffle prizes (e.g., iPods, school-spirit related apparel, and gift certificates).35
ƒ Special Field Trips. Even though field trips may be a regular feature of out-of-school time 
programs, reserving special field trips for participants with high attendance can serve a dual 
purpose—to reward these participants for their outstanding attendance record and to encourage 
other participants to attend programs more frequently. Trips to children’s museums, zoos, and 
planetariums have worked well for younger children.36 Non-academic field trips37 (e.g., to skating 
rinks, bowling alleys, and the movies) have been found to motivate older children. 
ƒ Incentives for young children: Incentives that have been found effective in engaging young 
children in out-of-school time programs include special performing arts activities, computer or sitdown game time, and small tokens (toys, food, pencils, etc).38
ƒ Incentives for middle school children: Incentives that have been found to work with middle 
school children include special enrichment activities, computer time (e.g., Web design), extended 
sports or game time, and TV/movie watching.39
ƒ Incentives for high school youth: Older youth have multiple activities competing for their out-ofschool time, including after-school jobs and extracurricular activities.40 The following incentives 
have been found to attract and retain older youth: leadership opportunities (e.g., planning 
activities), internships and other job preparation activities, and financial incentives.41
ƒ Incentives for families: While it is important to motivate youth to sign up for a program and 
continue to attend, it is also important to engage participants’ families, especially in the case of immigrant youth from cultures that put a high value on family closeness.42 Some family-friendly 
incentives might include offering participants’ families sewing or arts and crafts programs, 
English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) classes, and access to program facilities (e.g., the computer 
lab or space for family gatherings).43
1: Ask program participants for ideas about incentives. 
2: Introduce incentives immediately after goals are reached. 
3: Gain community support. 
4: Use incentives sparingly.

ncentives should be temporary, and you shouldn't need to up the ante. Also, the parent would need to show pride for the completed job.I'm proud of you. I hope you're proud of yourself.
Incentives create an attitude of, "What's in it for me?" Understand that you, as the parent, are a powerful force in the life of your child. Sometimes "what's in it for the child" is the parents' smiling face of approval, which in many cases is enough to motivate a child to cooperate.
It's OK to use incentives occasionally. They are one tool in your parenting toolbox. Use an external reward until the positive skill is internalized by the child, at which time the child views completing the task or acquiring the positive behavior as a reward in itself. the whole thing. Very good rules on giving incentives the do's and don'ts and what happens with both.