Achievement in a time limmit to recieve food awards like dessert
Incentive Jar ( like a wish box) scraps of paper with rewards
Incentive envelopes/coupons- This is to be mixed up coupons and money rewards, gift certificates at different amounts for all different things just like searching for easter eggs The surprise is whats inside.
pre-paid cellphone- did you earn your minutes or going without till you do your work.
Time limmit incentives such as games or new toys.
What should I NOT use as an incentive?
Physical affection (hugs and kisses) and parent-child activities (field trips, playing games, or reading) should not be withheld from a child or used as incentives. They are essential for your child's emotional growth and mental health. Nurturing your child also makes the child more receptive to parental rules and requests. Likewise, physical activities (playing catch, going on walks or to the park) should not be withheld from your child. Fitness and endurance are important for your child's physical health. However, you can offer "extra" parent-child activities as an incentive.
Financial Incentives. Experimental research suggests that monetary incentives promote program
participation,26 especially for teens.27 For example, youth participants in the National Mentoring
Partnership, Inc., ranked financial incentives among the top aspects of the program.28 Monetary
incentives can include cash, gift certificates, school-store coupons, and stipends.29
Food. Offering food can be a motivating factor in drawing and retaining out-of-school time
program participants of all ages.30 Some programs use food as a recruitment technique, inviting
interested participants to a picnic or a pizza party at the start of the school year.31
Prizes. Prizes can serve as an effective motivator for youth of all age groups, but the age and
interests of participants must be considered when deciding on the appropriate prize.32 Small toys,
food, decorative pencils or pens, T-shirts, and tickets to high school athletic events can be
effective incentives for younger children.33 Some programs also hand out passes for every day that
the child attends. Those passes can later be exchanged for prizes that are linked to the child’s
frequency of attendance.34 For older participants, programs can use tickets to sports events and
raffle prizes (e.g., iPods, school-spirit related apparel, and gift certificates).35
Special Field Trips. Even though field trips may be a regular feature of out-of-school time
programs, reserving special field trips for participants with high attendance can serve a dual
purpose—to reward these participants for their outstanding attendance record and to encourage
other participants to attend programs more frequently. Trips to children’s museums, zoos, and
planetariums have worked well for younger children.36 Non-academic field trips37 (e.g., to skating
rinks, bowling alleys, and the movies) have been found to motivate older children.
Incentives for young children: Incentives that have been found effective in engaging young
children in out-of-school time programs include special performing arts activities, computer or sitdown game time, and small tokens (toys, food, pencils, etc).38
Incentives for middle school children: Incentives that have been found to work with middle
school children include special enrichment activities, computer time (e.g., Web design), extended
sports or game time, and TV/movie watching.39
Incentives for high school youth: Older youth have multiple activities competing for their out-ofschool time, including after-school jobs and extracurricular activities.40 The following incentives
have been found to attract and retain older youth: leadership opportunities (e.g., planning
activities), internships and other job preparation activities, and financial incentives.41
Incentives for families: While it is important to motivate youth to sign up for a program and
continue to attend, it is also important to engage participants’ families, especially in the case of immigrant youth from cultures that put a high value on family closeness.42 Some family-friendly
incentives might include offering participants’ families sewing or arts and crafts programs,
English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) classes, and access to program facilities (e.g., the computer
lab or space for family gatherings).43
1: Ask program participants for ideas about incentives.
2: Introduce incentives immediately after goals are reached.
3: Gain community support.
4: Use incentives sparingly.
ncentives should be temporary, and you shouldn't need to up the ante. Also, the parent would need to show pride for the completed job.I'm proud of you. I hope you're proud of yourself.
Incentives create an attitude of, "What's in it for me?" Understand that you, as the parent, are a powerful force in the life of your child. Sometimes "what's in it for the child" is the parents' smiling face of approval, which in many cases is enough to motivate a child to cooperate.
It's OK to use incentives occasionally. They are one tool in your parenting toolbox. Use an external reward until the positive skill is internalized by the child, at which time the child views completing the task or acquiring the positive behavior as a reward in itself.