There is very little testing learning on this day because its good company.
Today A friend of mine invited us over to her house to do the book club and to make chocolates for her Halloween Party she is having this weekend.
I would like to report in with we have done lots of learning this week. The truth is its all been bahvioral and life skills.
I recently had to remove Bainpop from allowed sites to visit. she thought since it was learning she could do it and not her assigned homework.
What we were originially doing was not working for us. I am hoping by January we will have figured out something new and get back to testing smarts and not just random knowledge. If we could do the random knowledge she would be awesome but She is only diving deep into science and is forgetting many math skills.
I am sick of her thinking Homeschooling is play. It doesn't help that everyone thinks I can drop what I am doing and run off to do other stuff or on the days I can not drop what I am doing is because I am sick in bed, I am going to have crack down and make it very clear. I am a teacher now do not bug me till 3:30.
I am also sick of my husband not backing me up about a bed time he thinks since she has no place to be there is no reason why she should have a schedule. So when I send her to bed and she sneaks down to sit on the stairs he knows it and doesn't care and usually by that time if I take care of its not going to be pretty. I just really want a break.
I have called her doctor who is suppose to call me back tomorrow to make an appt. I really want to try medicine again. her learning has gotten way to random and she has gotten very defiant and sad to say is starting sound really dumb because she can not get thoughts together. Stuttering has also been a huge issue and that is new. anything with OO or Ue ew causes her to stutter. Reading became more difficult for her as well. I do not know if this is a new phase or if its something she is settling into and see if we can finally find a medicine to help her with it.
I am very aware that these things she is going through could not be handled in a class environment and she would be learning nothing at all except getting upset and loosing patience. Many of my friends have seen that homeschooling is good for her. I am glad they share that with me because I am really struggling with it right now.