I need to figure out how I am going to fill my school year and narrow down these ladies. Do I let my daughter choose? If I can't narrow them down I know it would be overwhelming for her to do it.
Now I will be honest Yesterday I ordered some Biblical scripture Heroes for girls along with a couple books.
That is going to be my childs biblical studies and I will fill it in with things from my church youth websites and from a womens blog I enjoy very much http://www.womeninthescriptures.com/ she has some study guides as well I want to purchase for myself someday.
Here are the names I decided to start out with and I think would be easy to find material for all ages.
This would be enough for one woman a week for an entire year with a lot of give. They were mentioned more than once on several websites for kids. I know some of them had adult lives but I am going to focus on their positive aspects not their bad choices because we all make mistakes. If my daughter learns of their bad choices that is what I will tell her too and point out if it was their downfall as well.
- Abigail Adams
- Jane Addams
- Susan B Anthony
- Clara Barton
- Ruby Bridges
- Marie Curie
- Cleopatra
- Princess Dianna
- Dorthea Dix
- Queen Elizabeth
- Amelia Earhart
- Anne Frank
- Jane Goodall
- Joan of Arc
- Calamity Jane
- Helen Keller
- Anna Mary Robertson Moses
- Anne Sullivan Macy
- Rosa Parks
- Pocohantas
- Molly Pitcher
- Elenor Roosevelt
- Sally Ride
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Martha Stewart
- Elizabeth Cody Stanton
- Sacagawea
- Margaret Thatcher
- Harriet Tubman
- Maria Tallchief
- Mother Teresa
- Sojourner Truth
- Queen Victoria
- Oprah Winfrey
- Empress Wu
- Mary Edwards Walker
- Ida B Wells
- Martha Washington
- Nancy Ward
- Emmeline Blanche Woodward Wells
- Ellen G White
- Victoria Claflin Woodhall
- Mom
- Grandma's
1.Make a timeline
2.have your child draw or photoshop a picture of themselves being a superhero.Please let your child be a princess pirate ninja riding unicorn master if they want to be. :)
3.have child draw their female superhero.
4. make journal or flashcards on the women of their choices.
5. read books that tell the Heroines story.
6 write what contributes to the Young women Values that the lady Hero had.
Might be a good idea to learn what each of the words mean and how they apply in your lives.
Work sheets I found in Archives that I cleaned up and shared. Mostly coloring pages so far.
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