Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Creating your own curriculum for Women Heroes

Ok In my research I found there are hundreds of women who meet my criteria for being a woman Hero. Some are Ancestral, Historical, Religion based, Some are Everyday people.

I need to figure out how I am going to fill my school year and narrow down these ladies. Do I let my daughter choose? If I can't narrow them down I know it would be overwhelming for her to do it.

Now I will be honest Yesterday I ordered some Biblical scripture Heroes for girls along with a couple books.

That is going to be my childs biblical studies and I will fill it in with things from my church youth websites and from a womens blog I enjoy very much http://www.womeninthescriptures.com/ she has some study guides as well I want to purchase for myself someday.

Here are the names I decided to start out with and I think would be easy to find material for all ages.
This would be enough for one woman a week for an entire year with a lot of give. They were mentioned more than once on several websites for kids. I know some of them had adult lives but I am going to focus on their positive aspects not their bad choices because we all make mistakes. If my daughter learns of their bad choices that is what I will tell her too and point out if it was their downfall as well.

  1. Abigail Adams
  2. Jane Addams
  3. Susan B Anthony
  4. Clara Barton
  5. Ruby Bridges
  6. Marie Curie
  7. Cleopatra
  8. Princess Dianna
  9. Dorthea Dix
  10. Queen Elizabeth
  11. Amelia Earhart
  12. Anne Frank
  13. Jane Goodall
  14. Joan of Arc
  15. Calamity Jane
  16. Helen Keller
  17. Anna Mary Robertson Moses
  18. Anne Sullivan Macy
  19. Rosa Parks
  20. Pocohantas
  21. Molly Pitcher
  22. Elenor Roosevelt
  23. Sally Ride
  24. Harriet Beecher Stowe
  25. Martha Stewart
  26. Elizabeth Cody Stanton
  27. Sacagawea
  28. Margaret Thatcher
  29. Harriet Tubman
  30. Maria Tallchief
  31. Mother Teresa
  32. Sojourner Truth
  33. Queen Victoria
  34. Oprah Winfrey
  35. Empress Wu
  36. Mary Edwards Walker
  37. Ida B Wells
  38. Martha Washington
  39. Nancy Ward
  40. Emmeline Blanche Woodward Wells
  41. Ellen G White
  42. Victoria Claflin Woodhall
  43. Mom
  44. Grandma's

1.Make a timeline
2.have your child draw or photoshop a picture of themselves being a superhero.Please let your child be a princess pirate ninja riding unicorn master if they want to be. :)
3.have child draw their female superhero.
4. make journal or flashcards on the women of their choices.
5. read books that tell the Heroines story.
6 write what contributes to the Young women Values that the lady Hero had.
Might be a good idea to learn what each of the words mean and how they apply in your lives.
Work sheets I found in Archives that I cleaned up and shared. Mostly coloring pages so far.

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