Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A single shard Cont.

Tree ear mushroom

1. Celadon A type of ceramic pottery developed during the Koryo Dynasty in the ninth
or tenth centuries in Korea. Celadon has a distinctive pale grayish green

2. Earthenware The coarser sort of containers, tableware, etc., made of baked clay
3. Entourage A group of associates or attendants
4. Harangue A long, blustering, noisy or scolding speech
5. Impudent Shamelessly bold or disrespectful; shameless
6. Inlaid Set in pieces into a surface of another material so as to form a smooth
7. Insolence Boldly disrespectful in speech or behavior
8. Jiggeh [chige] An open-framed backpack made of branches.
9. Kiln A furnace or oven for drying, burning, or baking something, as bricks,
grain, or pottery
10. Paulownia An Asiatic tree of the figwort family, with large, heart-shaped leaves and
large, erect clusters of fragrant, violet flowers
11. Peninsula A land area almost entirely surrounded by water and connected with the
mainland by an isthmus
12. Scholar A specialist in a particular branch of learning, especially in the humanities
13. Shard A fragment or broken piece, especially of pottery; potsherd
14. Slip Ceramics clay thinned to the consistency of cream for use in decorating or
casting, or as a cement or coating
16. Spade A heavy, flat bladed, long-handled tool used for digging by pressing the
metal blade into the ground with the foot
17. Spoor The track or trail of an animal, especially of a wild animal hunted as game
18. Surreptitiously Acting in a secret, stealthy way
19. Terse Free of extra words; short; concise
20. Trepidation Fearful uncertainty; anxiety


    Both the designs and shapes used in Koryo celadon were representations of the spiritual beliefs of the Korean people. These beliefs were fostered by Shamanism, and the Buddhist beliefs of the era. Following are the symbols most commonly used on inlaid celadon and their meanings.

Circle: The circle represents the Sun and worship for the Sun.

Fish: The fish represents a superior realization.

Lotus: The lotus stands for the Sun and mercy of Buddha

Tiger: The tiger design symbolizes a guardian, and charm.

Peony: The peony depicts richness and honors.

Dragon: The dragon stands for the all mighty.

Duck: The duck symbolizes the Premiere ranking.

Chrysanthemum: The chrysanthemum symbolizes health and well being.

Crane: The crane represents Immortality

Pine Tree: The pine tree depicts royalty and fidelity.


    In addition to the above symbols and their meanings, the actual shape of the vessels has meaning as well. The shapes of the vessels are derived from nature, as in the case of the bamboo shoot-shaped pot shown here, or the Korean melon (Cham-wae) shaped vase here. Other shapes adopted from nature include animal shaped vessels or those with animals as part of their shapes like the turtle decorated incense burner here. The human form is also subtly represented in Korean pottery. The vases and bottles (Mae-byeong, Ju-byeong), represent male and female respectively. The long slender shape of the bottles with a gentle slope at the bottom expresses the voluptuous beauty of femininity, while the wide shoulder and stockiness of the vases,here, represents the masculine form.

Korean flag

korean recipes:
Loved this blog Very helpful instructions on making Korean dishes.

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